Eggplant phytotoxicity is easy to cause leaf spots

Some time, due to the rainy weather, most vegetable farmers have strengthened the prevention of eggplant diseases in greenhouses. Therefore, vegetable farmers intentionally shorten the interval during drug control (some vegetable farmers spray once every 2 to 3 days) and increase the dosage. Causes the symptoms of phytotoxicity - the eggplant leaves produce many irregular brown spots, especially at the edge of the leaves.

According to reports, most of them are caused by agents such as acetylene. In response to this phenomenon, it is recommended that the vegetable farmers must use the medicine reasonably. The pesticide ratio should be strictly in accordance with the instructions or technical staff, and the interval between each medication should not be shorter than 5-7 days. In addition, if there is serious phytotoxicity, it can be sprayed on Harvest No.1, Jieshuling or Shuofeng 481 to alleviate the phytotoxicity. It can be sprayed continuously for 3~5 times.
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