SS Chain Link,Steel Link Chain,Stainless Chain Link,Stainless Steel Link Chain Jiangsu Hongze Stainless Steel Wire Rope Co., Ltd ,
The difference between a hard-sealed butterfly valve and a soft-sealed butterfly valve
Hard Seated Butterfly Valves: Sealing pairs are either "hard-sealed" on both sides of a metal or harder other material. This sealed sealing performance is poor, but high temperature, abrasion resistance, good mechanical properties. Such as: steel + steel; steel + copper; steel + graphite; steel + alloy steel; (where the steel may also be cast iron, cast steel, alloy steel may also be surfacing, spraying alloy). Soft Seal: The side of the seal pair is a metal material on one side, and a non-metallic material on the other side is called a "soft seal". This sealed sealing performance is better, but not high temperature, easy to wear, poor mechanical. Such as: steel + rubber; steel + PTFE [wiki] polyethylene [/ wiki]; rotor pump. Soft seal has the advantage of good sealing performance, the disadvantage is easy to aging, wear and tear, short service life. Hard Seal Long service life, but the seal is relatively poor than the soft seal.