After the introduction and digestion of the German Krupp GK-190E mixer technology, Yiyang Rubber Plastic Machinery Group Co., Ltd. has independently developed new products such as GK45E, GK90E, GK250E, GK320E and GK520E, and the product serialization level is getting higher and higher. At present, the E-type mixer has been exclusively produced in China for Yiyang Rubber.
We carry high quality Elevator Cast
Iron Pulley as below
Elevator Guiding Pulley
Elevator Diverting
Elevator Deflecting
Elevator Deflector
Elevator Suspension
Elevator Suspension
Elevator Diversion
Elevator Crosshead
Elevator Car Top
Elevator Car
Bottom Pulley
Elevator Cast Iron Pulley
Elevator Casting Pulley
Elevator Counterweight Sheave
Elevator Counterweight Pulley
High Speed Elevator Double Wrap Pulley
for all
major elevator and escalator brands as below
Elevators, ThyssenKrupp Elevators, Schindler Elevators, KONE Elevators,
Mitsubishi Elevators, Fujitec Elevators, Hitachi Elevators, Toshiba Elevators, Fuji
Elevators, Express Elevators, Sigma Elevators, LG Elevators, Hyundai Elevators,
BLT Elevators, CANNY Elevators, SJEC Elevators, KOYO Elevators, IFE Elevators,
Thyssen Elevators, GiantKONE Elevators, XJ Schindler Elevators, Xizi OTIS
Elevators, Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevators, GUANGRI Elevators
Elevator Suspension Pulley, Elevator Diverting Pulley, Elevator Deflecting Sheave, Elevator Deflector Sheave, Elevator Guiding Pulley, Elevator Car Top Pulley CEP Elevator Products ( China ) Co., Ltd. ,
It is reported that the company's internal mixers are divided into N-type and E-type. The E-type internal mixer adopts the world-class PES3 meshing type rotor, which is mainly suitable for the needs of high-grade radial tires and rubber products.
Yiyang Rubber Machinery exclusively produces E-type internal mixer