1. Rare Earth: In the feed of carp and other fish, add 80-100 grams per kilogram, or increase the daily gain of fish by 10%-15%, and increase the disease resistance. 2. Betaine: Add 1.5% to 2.5% of betaine as a tempting agent to attract fish to swallow and avoid the waste from sinking into the bottom of the pool. Third, oil: Add 6% to 8% of animal or vegetable oils, which can increase the growth rate of fry by 20%, and the mortality rate is greatly reduced. 4. Magnesium acetate: Adding 0.5g per kg of fish feed can increase the growth rate of the fish, so that the daily gain can reach 2%, which is more than 30% higher than that of the fish without magnesium acetate. 5. Borax: In the feed of carp and grass carp, adding 2 grams of borax (Chinese medicine) per 100 kilograms can increase the yield by 20%, save bait by 25%, and prevent fish diseases. Sixth, 蚯蚓: Add 蚯蚓 to replace the fish meal in the tilapia feed, and replace some of the feed with sputum. From the release of the fish to the start of the catch, it can reduce the fish meal by 40% and increase the yield by 35%. VII. Vitamin C: Add 60g of vitamin C per kilogram of squid, which can increase the daily weight gain of fish by 50% and save feed by 29%; add 700mg of vitamin C per kilogram of squid, and add 500 gram of feed per kilogram of squid. The effect of milligrams of vitamin C is also very significant. 8. Vitamin E: Add vitamin E to the tilapia feed so that the vitamin E content per kg of feed reaches 40-70 mg, which can increase the daily weight gain of the fish by more than 10% and the feed conversion rate by 8%. Coating Grade Titanium Dioxide Titanium Dioxide Rutile ,Titanium Dioxide Grades,Rutile Titanium Dioxide Sulfric,Coating Grade Titanium Dioxide Yibin Tianyuan Group , https://www.ybtyco.com
Eight fish additives