Custom Kitchen Cabinet Consumer Risks Many Consumer Protection Committees Remind Four Attention

>>>User exposure: cabinet selection and installation experience

The Municipal Consumer Protection Committee reminded consumers to pay attention to the following four points in order to avoid losses.

First, do not use cheap inferior materials. Inferior plates are prone to excessive formaldehyde. The quality of cabinets largely depends on the quality of the materials. In addition to the panels, cabinet panels and viscose need to be processed in order to ensure that the content of various harmful substances does not exceed the standard.

Second, hardware quality affects the overall quality. The hardware on the cabinet is the most important part of the kitchen and directly affects the overall quality of the cabinet. Based on years of experience in the foreign cabinet industry, the quality of hardware has become an important ruler for differentiating cabinets. Consumers can be careful when customizing cabinets. Some service-good brand cabinets will clearly mark the brand of hardware used or mark different grades. Price, consumers can choose more than one.

Third, the appearance of gorgeous but not energy. The sink directly affects the use of tap water. Double sinks can be immersed and washed separately, making water more reasonable. In addition, the setting of the gas stove should try to avoid the tuyere. If it is installed near the door, the gas will be affected by the flowing air when it is used, and cannot be absorbed in a centralized manner, which will affect the work of the hood. In addition, the large floor space of the cabinets, in addition to wasting water and electricity, also makes the kitchen seem very crowded.

Fourth, consider fully emphasizing practicality. "Custom" cabinets not only need to combine operating procedures for the reasonable arrangement of the operating area, but also the height of the table, the height and thickness of the cabinet, the brightness of the lights and other issues, to be considered.

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