Bean vegetable efficient fertilization technology

Beans and vegetables mainly include cowpeas, kidney beans, lentils, edamame, etc. To obtain high-quality, high-yield and high-efficiency production of legumes and vegetables, and to master the economical and efficient fertilization technology, it is the key to reduce production costs.
1. Defining the characteristics of fertilizer, and setting the fertilizer as needed. The straight roots of legumes are developed, and there are different shapes of nodule symbiosis. They have nitrogen fixation effect, which can fix nitrogen in air and soil for their own benefit. The requirements for soil nutrients are not very strict, but they also require higher fertilizer. Vegetables, especially for phosphorus and potassium, are in high demand. Production advocates the application of stable base fertilizer. Generally, according to the soil fertility condition, based on 667 square meters (1 mu) of high-quality decomposed organic fertilizer 2000~2500 kg, the special fertilizer for bean-based vegetables is 25-35 kg. However, care should be taken not to use unfertilized organic fertilizer as the base fertilizer, otherwise it will lead to rotten seeds, affecting yield and quality.
2. Grasp the key period of fertilizer demand and fertilize in stages. Focus on the application of seed fertilizer, bean vegetables begin flower bud differentiation soon after sowing, enter the development period, the application of seed fertilizer can ensure the early development needs, generally apply 4 to 5 grams of three-element compound fertilizer per 667 square meters, pay attention to the seed fertilizer separate. The nitrogen-fixing ability of Rhizobium at the seedling stage is weak. Appropriate topdressing can promote the early development of seedlings, and it can be used for 8-10 kg of bean-specific fertilizer per 667 square meters. The flowering and pod-forming stage is a period of vegetative growth and reproductive growth. It requires a large amount of fertilizer. It can be applied to 20 grams of bean-specific fertilizer per 667 square meters for flowering and topdressing to reduce flower pod loss and improve fertilizer stamina. And prevent premature aging. The application method advocates the application of the side of the root ditch to reduce the loss and improve the fertilizer utilization rate.
3. Master the two principles of fertilization. Mainly organic fertilizer, supplemented by chemical fertilizer; base fertilizer, supplemented by topdressing, pay attention to foliar fertilization.
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