Maize deficiency symptoms and correction techniques

First, the symptoms of nitrogen deficiency and correction techniques

Symptoms: The nitrogen requirement of corn is large. When the seedling stage is deficient in nitrogen, the plant grows slowly, is short and thin, the leaves are yellow-green, and the pumping is late; the growth stage is deficient in nitrogen, and the old leaves are yellow from the tip of the leaf along the midrib to the base of the leaf, and the yellow part is In the "V" shape, the leaf margin remains green and slightly curled, and finally it is burnt and dead. Under nitrogen-deficient conditions, the proteins in the lower old leaves are decomposed and transferred to the vigorous part. In the case of single-plant corn, the symptoms of nitrogen deficiency first manifested as yellowing of the old leaves and then gradually expanding to the young leaves.

Correction technology: Advocate the application of seed fertilizer, or apply the seedling fertilizer before the 5-leaf stage; after the large-flare period of topdressing, pay attention to timely and appropriate application of the attacking fertilizer.

Second, the symptoms of phosphorus deficiency and correction techniques

Symptoms: Phosphorus deficiency in corn seedlings, even if sufficient phosphorus is supplied later, it is difficult to compensate for the adverse effects of early phosphorus deficiency. When phosphorus deficiency occurs at seedling stage, root development is poor and corn seedlings grow slowly. After 5 leaf stage, symptoms of deficiency of phosphorus were observed. The leaves were purple-red, purple-leafed, and leaf-edge curled. This was due to the destruction of carbon metabolism in the absence of phosphorus, and the accumulation of sugar in the leaves, resulting in the formation of anthocyanins. However, this symptom on the leaf may also be caused by pests, cold damage and phlegm, so a comprehensive analysis is required. Phosphorus deficiency also slows the extraction of filaments, affects pollination, and the ear is curled, the ears are not aligned, the seeds are not full, the baldness phenomenon occurs, and the maturity is delayed.

Correction technique: After the symptoms of phosphorus deficiency are found, the surface of the water can be sprayed with 30 kg of potassium dihydrogen phosphate per acre or sprayed with 1% of superphosphate solution.

Third, the symptoms of potassium deficiency and correction techniques

Symptoms: When the corn is deficient in potassium, the roots are poorly developed, the plants grow slowly, the leaves are light green and have yellow streaks. In severe cases, the leaves and tips are purple, then the dryness is burning, and the middle part of the leaves remains green. But it gradually wrinkles. These phenomena are mostly manifested in the lower old leaves, and the potassium in the old leaves is first transferred to the new organ tissues due to potassium deficiency. Potassium deficiency also makes the plant thin, susceptible to disease, easy to fold, ear dysplasia, severe baldness, less starch content in the grain, and 1000-grain weight drop, resulting in reduced yield.

Correction technology: Corn is a potassium-producing crop. Generally, 10 kg of potassium chloride per mu is used as a base fertilizer or seedling stage combined with top dressing. It is also possible to spray the potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution on the foliar surface, and the amount of 200 g per acre is 30 kg of water. It can also be applied to corn special fertilizer.

Fourth, calcium deficiency symptoms and correction techniques

Symptoms: Calcium deficiency can cause plant cells to become sticky. First, the apical and root hair cells are viscous, resulting in a decrease in cell division ability and slower cell growth, and the growth point is black gelatinous. Secondly, the tip of the leaf produces a gelatinous substance, causing the leaves to twist and stick together, and then the base of the stem is swollen and has a tendency to produce side branches.

Correction technique: Calcareous soil is generally not deficient in calcium. If the physiological calcium deficiency symptoms of corn can be sprayed with 0.5% calcium chloride aqueous solution. For strong acid and low-salt soil, 50-70 kg of lime can be applied per mu, but it should not be mixed with ammonium nitrogen fertilizer or decomposed organic fertilizer.

Five, magnesium deficiency symptoms and correction techniques

Symptoms: When magnesium is deficient, yellow streaks appear on the edge or vein of the old leaves of the corn. The streaks develop from the leaf base to the tip of the leaf. Later, they develop into green spots, brown or necrotic, stalks, leaf sheaths purple, and yellow leaves white. .

Correction technology: 50 kg of calcium, magnesium and phosphate fertilizer can be applied to the magnesium-deficient farmland. The symptoms of magnesium deficiency in the corn growth period can be sprayed with 0.1% to 0.2% aqueous magnesium sulfate solution.

Sixth, sulfur deficiency symptoms and correction techniques

Symptoms: When the corn is deficient in sulfur, the plant is short, similar to nitrogen deficiency, the leaves are yellow, the lower leaves and stems are often reddish, and the seed is matured late.

Correction technology: Sulfur-containing compound fertilizer or sulfur-containing fertilizer such as ammonium sulfate, potassium sulfate or zinc sulfate can be applied. In the corn growth period, there is a symptom of sulfur deficiency, and a 0.5% aqueous solution of sulfate can be sprayed on the foliage.

Seven, boron deficiency symptoms and correction techniques

Symptoms: When the corn is deficient in boron, the root system is underdeveloped; the plant is short; the inter-pulmonary tissue of the upper leaves is thin, showing a white transparent stripe; the leaves are weak, whitish, and even dead; the growth point is inhibited, and the tassel cannot be extracted; The male flower degenerates to a small extent and shrinks; the ear is degenerated, deformed, and the apical grain is empty.

Correction technology: can be applied to corn special fertilizer. For plots with severe boron deficiency, 500 grams of borax per acre can be used as the base fertilizer. The symptoms of boron deficiency occur during the growth period of corn, and 150 to 200 grams of borax per acre can be applied to 30 kilograms of water.

Eight, zinc deficiency symptoms and correction techniques

Symptoms: Whitening seedlings appear when zinc is severely deficient in zinc. White seedlings appeared in the 3~5 leaf stage, the young leaves were yellowish or white, especially at 2/3 of the base of the leaves; the internodes were shortened, the plants were shrunk, the roots were black, the growth was blocked, and the results were not affected. Or the ears are severely bald and even dry and die.

Correction technology: The land with severe zinc deficiency in the corn can be used with 1 to 1.5 kg of zinc sulfate per mu as the base fertilizer, or 6 g of zinc sulfate per kg of corn or with 0.1% to 0.3% of zinc sulfate aqueous solution, or Use 50-75 grams of zinc sulfate per acre to spray 30 kilograms of water on the leaves.

Nine, manganese deficiency symptoms and correction techniques

Symptoms: Manganese is an activator of enzymes in plants, which plays an important role in the respiration, photosynthesis and chlorophyll formation of corn. The symptoms of manganese deficiency in maize are yellow-green stripes that appear parallel to the veins from the tip to the base along the veins. The young leaves turn yellow, the leaves are soft and drooping, the stems are weak, the seeds are not full, the rows are not aligned, and the roots are thin and long.

Correction technique: soaking seeds with 0.1%-0.3% manganese sulfate aqueous solution or 10g of manganese sulfate per kg of corn seed or foliar application with 0.5% manganese sulfate solution.

X. Copper deficiency symptoms and correction techniques

Symptoms: When the corn is deficient in copper, the top and heart leaves turn yellow, the growth is hindered, the plants are short and clumped, the chlorosis between the veins has developed to the base, the tip of the leaves is severely chlorotic or necrotic, and the ears are small.

Correction technology: generally apply corn special fertilizer. For fields with severe copper deficiency, 1.5 kg of copper sulfate per acre can be used as the base fertilizer. In the corn growing season, there are symptoms of copper deficiency, which can be sprayed with 0.1% to 0.15% copper sulfate solution per acre.

11. Iron deficiency symptoms and correction techniques

Symptoms: Iron is a component of chlorophyll. When iron is deficient, the upper leaves are chlorotic and yellow, and then the middle and lower leaves are developed. The leaves show yellow-green interlaced streaks. In severe cases, the veins become yellow and the leaves turn white.

Correction technique: It is advisable to apply organic fertilizer. Follow the corn special fertilizer. In the corn growth period, when the iron deficiency symptoms occur, spray 0.3% to 0.5% of ferrous sulfate solution, or soak seeds with 0.02% ferrous sulfate solution.

X. Molybdenum deficiency symptoms and correction techniques

Symptoms: Maize deficiency of molybdenum first appeared on the old leaves with chlorosis or macular symptoms, the tip of the leaves was easy to scorch, and root growth was inhibited in severe cases, causing large-scale plant death.

Correction technique: Seed soaking with 0.03% ammonium molybdate solution or seeding with 2 to 4 grams of ammonium molybdate per kg of seed. In the corn growth period, the molybdenum may be sprayed with 0.05% ammonium molybdate solution.

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