The recent principle of hot water pipes - that is, home appliances to take the hot water pipe must take the nearest route, so less waste of time, less waste of hot water, of course, the owners also spend less. 80 centimeters is a very small distance, (at least 10,000 times in a few decades), but 10,000 80 centimeters is 8000 meters. According to the plan, 10 meters is a pot of hot water, so it wastes 1,000 pots of hot water. Of course there are countless hours. The original planned location Actual location The hot water pipes are not the same as originally planned. Although they are concrete walls, I think they can still walk through the trenches. According to the current ones, there are more blue solid line marked water pipes, about 80 centimeters or so, if If you use water this year, you must still change it. It is strongly recommended that 25 thick hot water pipes be used, and the use of thick 25 pipes should use 1 times more water than 20 pipes, which also causes more cold water to be used when water is started, and many delays will occur. The following example is more intuitive: According to the plan, because the hot water pipe is from the kitchen to the bathroom, the picture on the wall is a concrete wall, it is recommended to go through the wall from the wall through the hot water pipe (red line refers to), if you go by the regular (blue line ) When you take a bath, the hot water is at least twice as long. The heat-treated hot water pipe was bent over the concrete wall. Not only was the hot water pipe nearby, but cold water could be placed before using hot water, and over 20 cm over the wall could absolutely prevent leakage from the water pipe to the outside. This is a construction site, according to the recent principle of hot water pipe, electric water heater hot water to the principle of the recent hot water, black insulation for the hot water pipe. Experience on water heater home improvement bathroom leaking
User experience: Hot water pipes must recently avoid wasting time and energy