Its function is mainly to remove the crosstalk of various high-frequency signals generated by the chip itself to other chips, so that each chip module can work normally without interference. In the high-frequency electronic oscillating circuit, the chip capacitor and the crystal oscillator form an oscillating circuit to provide the required clock frequency to various circuits. Chip capacitors include chip ceramic capacitors, chip tantalum capacitors, and chip aluminum electrolytic capacitors. SMD ceramic capacitors are non-polar and have a small capacity (PF grade). They are generally resistant to high temperatures and voltages and are commonly used for high frequency filtering. Ceramic capacitors look a bit like chip resistors (so we sometimes call them "chip capacitors"), but there are no numbers on the chip capacitors that represent the size of the capacitor. The chip-type tantalum capacitor is characterized by long life, high temperature resistance, high accuracy, and excellent high frequency filter performance, but the capacity is small, the price is more expensive than the aluminum capacitor, and the voltage and current resistance are relatively weak. It is used in small-capacity low-frequency filter circuits. Compared with ceramic capacitors, chip tantalum capacitors have a capacitance capacity and a withstand voltage mark on the surface, and the surface color is usually yellow or black. For example, 100-16 means a capacity of 100μF and a withstand voltage of 16V. SMD type aluminum electrolytic capacitors have larger capacity than chip-type tantalum capacitors. They are more common on graphics cards and have capacities ranging from 300μF to 1500μF. They mainly satisfy the filtering and voltage regulation of current low frequency. The difference between the vertical capacitor and the chip capacitor is the plug-in or chip-mounting process. The capacitor itself is standing on the PCB. The fundamental difference is the capacitor installed in the chip process and the black rubber base. The benefits of the patch type are mainly in the production aspect, which is highly automated and highly accurate, and is not as easily damaged as the plug-in type during transportation. However, the mounting process of the chip requires a wave soldering process. The capacitor may affect the performance after passing through a high temperature. In particular, the cathode uses an electrolyte capacitor, and the electrolyte may dry out after a high temperature. The plug-in process has a low installation cost, so the performance of the capacitor itself can be better at the same cost. In terms of performance, vertical capacitors have a poor adaptability to frequency, but frequencies below 500 MHz are difficult to reflect. There are also good products in plug-in mounted capacitors. For example, some of CHEMICON's PS series are plug-in type.
It is raw material to make washing material. Because it has high chemical activity to effect other material, such as dirty materials.
It is basic material for many fields, such as pharma, chemical, dying, washing industry, and manufacture industry. Some are powder, some granule, some flake, some crystalline.
It is identified by purity and granule/block size, purity is the main identified method. It is used in different products as per its size.
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